Sunday, December 21, 2008

211208-It's x to recap the year of 2008 & plan on new year resolution

Seems like long time din blogging liao....recently super busy with works...i have taken up part time jobs for the last 2 weeks as promoter..earn some extra incomes for CNY next years...this festival seems comes like very fast...high household expenses on next month so must save a lot on this month....

The year of 2008...a great year indeed...firstly, company sent me to Spore to work; really good exposure and experience...and i met lot of good frens n colleagues there...last 2 months being promoted to a higher role, rise in income but rise in pressure in work too...

...and my social circle is expanding in 2008...from less than 200 frens lists in Jan 08 rise to more than 1100++ frens as per today in network is great as i have meet lot of good buddy from online network like friendster and facebook....i do meet up with some n still keep in touch vf them...

Back to my pei part time resume is expanding...let me recap..mmm...this years i have 4 air refreshner, addidas fragrance, baby diary milk product, whisper range...that's all for the year of 2008...i told myself i wanna stop do part time liao...wana appreaciate the remaining days of avoid regrettion later, haha...and also due to stress + pressure frm current jobs cz i'm exhausted from my current jobs..being in finance line..year ends is the worst...lot of task to complete..i have postpone my leave for too many times already due to heavy ends up have extra 2.5 days to clear by this year ends(im already carry fwd 5 days to next year)

Hopefully, next year, the year of 2009 will be a better year for me...looking forward for a great year ahead....(^_^)

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