Friday, December 26, 2008

261208-My first online transaction......with ebay- Dakota Star-Together alone

Today is a sunny laptop having some problem and my company technician just finished fixing it...i was taking nap at home when he call me up...have to back office just to take my laptop...duno why today weather so hot..year ends should be chilling ma...expect some rain and cold wind..haha

I have just done my first online transaction in my life...buying in ebay...i always wanted to purchase on9, but afraid of credit card fraud bz i'm not very confidence in buying on9 as this trend is not that popular in malaysia. I seldom heard people around me do on9 transaction although this is quite popular in other countries like Taiwan and Spore. I been struggling for some myself dunno how to make the first move..

However, opportunity comes in when i wanted to buy this EP, TOGETHER ALONE from the group dakota star... The album was released back in 2006, I really have difficullty in finding the ablum in msia. I have search through a lot of CD stores in major mall in Klang Valley and KL, been to flea market, 2nd hand CD store and also petaling street but could not find it and some of my kind frens have been helping me to search but could not find it..really wanted to said a BIG TQ to them...frens from msia, HK & Spore..... Really appreaciate for their helpfullness..

I even send out a mass email to more than 1100 plus people in friendster and facebook..but nevertheless...stil an empty hope...finally, my net fren confirm vf me that Universal music did not import the CD to msia..he got a fren in the record company..i really giving up hope liao until i saw it being on sale in ebay....being a person never buy on9 b4, i seek help from lot of people to guide me in creating an account vf ebay to register for paypall...Finally, today, i took my courage to buy the EP from ebay..mmmm...the seller from Australia, might takes around 2 weeks to deliver to Msia..hope can get it ASAP...haha

Video in youtube ( Together alone)

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