Wednesday, November 5, 2008

051108-A sudden expediation...

2dy when i log on to my pc....saw an intranet event...volunteer needed!!! msia environmetal NGO invites my company to we care we share visits to Kuala Gula, Perak(never heard on this place also) is a 2 days 1 night trips which falls on 8-9 Nov..since only limited to 20 participant(out of more than 1000++ staff), without delay, i immediately email to the organizer to check on the availability n send a mass email to my colleagues, surveying on who are interested to go....and i receives good response....BUT demand> supply...only left 2 seats and i'm going with 1 of them....

The purpose of the trips is for the staff to have deeper appreaciation of nature and values and functions of natural ecosystem, understanding of rural communities and indigenous peoples' way of life and etc....I always keen on this type of educational trips....really long time did not take part ...during secondary school, i went at least 1-2 times in a year but moving to college and uni, can't really find times and most important is most of my frens prefer to spend a day in cinema, karaoke, shopping and do girlie stuff than get dirty and hot in the jungle....thus, i really thirlled when i able to take part cz i really wanted this long long time; to get rid of the hustle of city and leaves behind all sort of problem...finding peace and create awareness on the nature and learn more on flora and fauna but the most important is to appreaciate more on what God the environment...eagerly waiting for that...juz less than 2 days to prepares for the trips....

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