Monday, November 10, 2008

101108-tired & exhausted from the trips....

Last nite back late from the trips..extremely tired and exhausted..and fell sick resting at home...however, overall, it is a fun, enjoyable and educational trips...hopefully can join the next trips...

At 6.30AM, we gathered at office...breakfast was meehoon...ate at the colleagues and i was tired yet was happy for the start of the journey...along the way, we stopped at resting area...saws lot of unique fruits and wonder what is that...

it took ard 4 hours driving to reach Kuala Gula, seems like a hidden town..was so deep inside.....A typical fishing village......everthing was fine there....except there are too much of bull was everywhere as the bull was let loose...u can sight it in school, housing area, shoplot, all the place....

The 1st destination is charcoal factory; a local tourist guide brief us and shows us the i knw how to differentiate a good quality vs it make and its benefit...never thought charcoal have so much of benefits...

*Good quality of charchoal, doesn't it look like a dark chocholate cake? haha

the biggest export is to of its steel industry and japanese like bbq....lot of funny real life stories were shared...Nxt we went to Hua Seng temple..a big and popular tourist spot, there even showcase the statues of 18 level of scary...being a buddhist, the 1st thg when i stepped into a temple is to pray...everyone were focusing on the briefing while me was busy wtih praying..haha

We then have our lunch before proceeds to boat ride along river estuaries and is an hour ride..i tried my hands at the wheel and also catched some cockerel..first time do fishing...seems difficult at beginning..but with observation and problem...hehe...

feel peace and relax along the ride...the wind of the sea make me calm...feel happy..seeing so much of beautiful species of birds....really glad being pressure....really like the environment & the natural habitat...

The seafood dinner is great...being in fishing village..lot of fresh seafood were yummy and full..nxt, heads to briefing and slideshow before walking at the forest for 2km for fireflies watching and wildlife scary walked into the jungle...did not bring my torchlight...the land was wet...

The fireflies there was lesser than Kuala endangered species...i dared myself to put a puppa on my hands as the tour guide as me to 1st i was reluctant...feel scary n geli..but after deep thinking..decided to try it as if let go this chances, duno when i will have it msia, only Kuala Selangor and Kuala Gula can watched fireflies...feel so hot after comes out frm jungle...thus a group of us went to a nearby stall to eat ice kacang...

091108-BACK TO KL

i don't have a good slept last nite, less than 2 hours, so tired..after get up and took my breakfast..hv to proceeds to mangrove trail is a sunny days....really tired...the mangrove forest was next to the sea...a nice morning view of the sea...really like being in a natural environment and learn about flora and fauna at mangrove ecosystem.

the place so peaceful and the food price was so cheap...a plate of nasi goreng, bihun..only costs RM2...cant get this in city area....We next heads to Water birds' interpretation center before proceeds to belacan factory....bought some belacan for my family, relatives and frens..freshly make belacan....saw the belacan processing and packaging i knw how to make...the ingredient are juz water, salt and dried shrimp....

I have asked the tour guide if can stop us at ipoh 2 buy some local snack..the journey around 1.5 hours from the town..they drove us to a tourist an expensive place....some snack even more costly than those sell in KL....juz buy some since already there...long time did not go dad hometown..

I'm really proud and glad to be part of this company trips...i have learns a protect the environment, the animals, birds, lot of knowledge that money cant buy and you can't find in a book....i chat a lot vf the local guide, a middle age man...and i definitely learn a lot of him...

Never thought there are more than 10,000 species of birds and he can differntiate if the crab is single, dating,going to get married, or married...birds that are loyal and disloyal to loves and lot more..indeed an interesting place to visit....STRICTLY for people who can go under the hot sun and loves the environment....

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