Saturday, January 3, 2009

030109-New Year liao...a new chapter of life...

So fast new year is officially the year of 2009 lo...the 1st month of the year...mmm...tis mth ends is CNY fast...haven't finish shop yet..haha...lot of work to do...clean up the house, decoration, cooking...haha

Last year I countdown new year in was great as i went few places to countdown...Marina Bay to see fireworks, the best fireworks i ever seen in front of my eyes...even in my own country also never see this kind of nice fireworks, Clarke Quake, hottest night spot in Spore, Vivo City for the countdown concert and much

Pictures of Marina Bay, Spore

This year was not bad i countdown my new year in recording studio in a tv station..recording live tv show for 30 minutes..the whole malaysia tv viewer countdown with me on a bit nervous during the duration of show

On the set in studio before start recording live tv show

After it was ended, my friends and i went for clubbing at Bamboo at Plaza TTDI..suppose the cover charge is RM100 but we were given free entrance since that time already 1.30AM liao...haha...But that nite lot of road block...passed by 2 road blocks and along the way, there is an accident occured...haiz...

Hopefully, this yr will be a better year for me...but i must change be a better person...My new year resolution is 'BE HAPPY, STAY HEALTHY & LESS WORRIES'

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