Sunday, January 11, 2009

110109-Chinese New Year many sales going on...haha

SHOPPING, SHOPPING N SHOPPING....haha..tis is wat a gal likes the most...CNY is just around the corner...2 more weeks...lot of shpg...clothes, decoration items, biscuit and lot more...yesterdy went shpg vf my fren, bought lot of items..besides my stuff, i also bought new clothes for my mum, dad and sis...they luv it so much..haha...every year i also will buy for them whenever i see nice 1 cz i know their taste...

This year i have try something different...all this while i been doing traditional physical buying, but this year i try on on9 shopping..lot of nice dress but there are risk too as we cant touch on the dress, it might in poor quality or unfit...but so far...nothing bad happen 2 me..haha is a good site..lot of nice and affortable dress...i juz bought a piece of dress..

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